Career Ready Workforce

In today’s global, knowledge-based economy, states and local communities are increasingly differentiated based on the ability to educate, train, recruit, and retain a qualified workforce that meets the needs of industry. The availability of a skilled workforce remains a major area of concern to Iowa businesses. Combined with Iowa’s weak population growth, the scarcity of a highly skilled workforce will continue to negatively impact Iowa. Therefore, the continued engagement of businesses to create solutions to Iowa’s workforce challenges is critical to future success. Working with industry partners and communities to present welcoming and inclusive environments will further result in better retention and recruitment opportunities. Continued partnership with education systems and nonprofit organizations to engage students while developing career pathways are essential areas of public/private partnerships for the Iowa Business Council.

Initiatives include: 

  • Support strategies in advancement of the 2017 IBC 30,000 intern, extern and apprenticeships pledge.
  • Continue to support workforce expansion efforts throughout Iowa.
  • Continue to engage with stakeholders on military and Veteran workforce strategies.
  • Engage in policy initiatives to increase access to affordable, high-quality childcare services throughout Iowa.


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